Beckman coulter's Gallios

The Gallios Flow Cytometer research system delivers analytical excellence by coupling extraordinary sensitivity, resolution and dynamic range with high-speed data collection. Along with the unprecedented detection capabilities of the instrument, the Gallios includes easy-to-use software (Kaluza for G) and automation to facilitate superior performance of multi-color flow cytometry assays.
Configuration: 10 color, 3 laser (488nm Blue, 638nm Red & 405nm Violet) (5 + 3 + 2)
Advanced optical design and sensitivity for multicolor assays
With customized forward scatter for the most accurate size measurement and optimized electronics for fast, accurate processing, the Gallios is designed to improve your cytometric workflow. Choose from four scalable configurations to accommodate more lasers and fluorescence detectors as your multi-color flow cytometry research evolves.
- highly reliable, solid-state lasers in standard red , blue and violet lasers for greater choice of Fluorochromes to perform sophisticated multicolor assays.
- Interchangeable optical filters to detect various dyes and wavelengths
- Forward-scatter detector provides up-to three cell size and particle visualization measurements (to 0.404 �m in diameter)
- Side-scatter detection via a dedicated high-performance photodiode with electronic attenuation
- Six fluorescence detectors simultaneously acquire up-to six fluorescence signals (add as many as four additional detectors for concurrent reading of up-to 10 colors)
- Simultaneous measurements of integral, peak and width available for all parameters, including scatter and fluorescence signals.
Optics in action
In our CCMB Flow cytometry facility Gallios offers up-to three solid state, independently-focused diode lasers with an innovative steering design mechanism for optimal excitation at the flow cell yielding reliable high-quality results.
Emitted energy powered fiber optics flows to the boulevard via 18-degree reflective optics for enhanced light-collection efficiency and data resolution. The patented boulevard design offers maximum application flexibility with accessible plug-and-play filter and tandem dye collection features.
Electronics explained
The Gallios maintains a high yield of processed signals, greater than 90% even at 25,000 events/second.
- 20 bit resolution
- 1,048,576 channel display
- More channels of resolution to separate even the dimmest of populations
- Excellent accuracy and resolution for dim stains and quantitation
- Higher bits of information
- Baseline restoration
- Fast signal processing
- Minimize data loss
High-yield electronics with fast pulse recovery at high speeds, the Gallios electronic system minimizes linearity errors and adjusts for temperature variability.
- Sensitivity of dim particles
- Minimize dead time
BD LSRFortessa With HTS

The BD LSRFortessa� cell analyzer offers the ultimate in choice for flow cytometry, providing power, performance, and consistency. Designed to be affordable and expandable, the BD LSRFortessa has the flexibility to support the expanding needs of multicolor flow cytometry assays.
Configuration: 10 color, 3 laser (488nm Blue, 561nm Red & 640nm Violet) (2 + 5 + 3)
BDTM High Throughput Sampler Option
To improve experimental workflow, the optional BD� High Throughput Sampler (HTS) provides rapid, fully automated sample acquisition from 96- and 384-well microtiter plates. In high-throughput mode, the HTS option can speed through a 96-well plate in fewer than 15 minutes with less than 0.5% sample carryover from one well to the next. Low carryover is essential in research applications to ensure sample purity and data integrity.
Fast acquisition speed is achieved by synchronizing two high-precision pumps for sample mixing, sample injection, and probe washing. Standard throughput mode can be selected for acquisition of larger sample volumes.