Panel discussion on "Effective mentortorship: Academia and beyond

Achintya Prahlad
Biologist, Musician
Dr. Achintya Prahlad is a biologist, musicologist and musician. Currently, he works as a postdoc scientist at Ashoka University. As someone who was an active musician all through his research career and has now transitioned to musicology, he brings in a unique perspective to the panel.

Chhavi Dawar
Child right activist, phd scholar
Chhavi Dawar is a PhD student at CCMB, Hyderabad who works with computational biology. She’s a vocal Child Rights Activist and a member of the ‘Break the Silence’ citizens’ initiative which aims to spread awareness about child sexual abuse through workshops for children, parents, teachers and others. She brings in the angle of being a researcher and an active social worker to this panel.

Sayantan Datta
Science writer, Neurobiologist
Sayantan Datta is a young researcher and science communicator who works in the field of neurobiology. They are currently coordinating a project at The Life of Science and are also a Faculty Associate at Krea University. They bring in the perspective of pursuing communication and teaching along with research to this panel.

Somdatta Karak
Science communicator
Dr. Somdatta Karak is a neuroscientist by training and is currently the Science Communication and Public Outreach Officer at CCMB, Hyderabad. She’s keen about networking and science communication and regularly works with educators and students. She believes that a student has much more than research to offer and learn in their early years in academia.