Welcome to the Proteomics Core Facility @ CCMB!

The Proteomics Facility at the CSIR-CCMB provides infrastructure for the identification and characterization of proteins. Mass spectrometry (MS) based proteomics is fast becoming an essential analytical tool for biological scientists. Modern instrumentation and data analysis software can identify and quantify hundreds or thousands of proteins from complex biological mixtures such as cell lysates or body fluids. At CSIR-CCMB, we are equipped with state-of-the-art chromatography systems and mass spectrometers for LC-MS and LC-MS/MS, with a wide range of bioinformatic tools for data interpretation and evaluation. The facility provides a range of services, including:

  • Intact molecular weight measurement of proteins
  • Protein identification from gel bands
  • Protein identification from complex mixtures
  • Identification of post-translational modifications
  • SILAC, iTRAQ, and label-free quantification of peptides and proteins
Our instrument platforms include cutting-edge Q-Exactive-HF, Q-Exactive and Orbitrap Velos mass spectrometers, coupled to ultra-high performance EASY-nLC 1200 Systems.