G-Quadruplex DNA interaction and stabilization with small synthetic
organic/inorganic molecules:
Studies on G-quadruplex DNA and its interaction with small molecules that stabilizes the G-quadruplex
structure has reached a great deal of importance in the recent past. Research on identification of G-
quadruplex DNA interacting, stabilizing molecules was shown to render really good potential to function as
an anti-cancer molecules. Our laboratory has shown how G-quadruplex/ i-motifs can function as a "switch"
and control expression of oncoproteins under in vitro/in vivo conditions. Several synthetic/natural molecules
were studied and the outcomes were published in various international journals. Organic/ organometallic
molecules were identified to render a higher level of interaction with G-quadruplex DNA. They can stabilize
the G-quadruplex DNA structure, even at lower concentrations.
Modification of small molecule's architecture and improving its potential to
function as anti-cancer agents:
Molecular architecture and the groups attached to the central molecule has greater influence in inducing
apoptosis among cancer cells. Several modified molecules start exhibiting improved anti-cancer activity
under in vitro and in vivo conditions. We have studied the role of electron donating and electron
withdrawing groups in enhancing the anti-cancer activity of synthetic organic molecules. We found that by
systematically changing 1-2 groups on the central molecule, its anti-cancer activity can be improved.
Recently, our research laboratory has shown that the addition of an electronegative group to the phenyl
group will enhance the potential of phenyl 1,2,3-triazole-thymidine ligand. Likewise, by systematically